How Stop Website Contact Form Submissions Going to Gmail Spam

Gmail has agressive spam filters that can trap your wanted emails. Often website contact form submissions look like spam emails to Gmail because these emails come from a server rather than an email client. You can set up a Gmail spam filter to prevent this from happening.

The solution below will work if you configure the gravity forms “from” address to be noreply@ your domain. For example if your website was you would configure the “from” address in gravity forms to be “”.

Once this is done, simply follow these steps:

1. in gmail click the gear icon on the right and click settings

2. Click on “filters and blocked addresses”

3. Click “create a new filter”

4. in the “from” field add “noreply@[]” so in the example above it would be “”

5. Click continue

6. Tick the check box “never send to spam”

7. Click “save filter”

James Alviani

James Alviani

James is a Digital Marketing Strategist at Halo Digital. For over 10 years, he has been working with Perth businesses, organisations and companies to generate leads through online search. His specialty is formulating strategic digital solutions from website design, messaging, keyword optimisation, content creation, and link building. He lives with his wife, Briony and four children South of Perth in Western Australia.

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